
onsdag 27 juli 2011

A Dogs Life From a Dogs Point of View

Hello my name is blue, and I am a whippet. I would like to tell you about my life so far from the very beginning. Yes I am a dog. My owner thought it would be a great idea if us dogs could talk, so she gave me a voice. Maybe it will help with understand us better with training and behavior

In my kennel, I lie in my soft comfortable place, just waiting for the sound of people to come. Why? you may ask. Well you see it happens nearly every day.They come and look at me then leave. I like the little people that come and see me, they like to put their fingers through the mesh of my kennel. I like to sniff at them, to see what they smell like I have a good nose. Did you know I have over ten-thousand nose receptors?.
To day I watch as people walk by, I bark to let them know I have seen them. A woman stands and looks at me. She makes me curious, I watch her while I sniff the air. She talks to me. I want a better look, so I slowly get to my feet. I am not to sure and a little concerned, so my tail is down and nearly tucked under, I look at her then look away, still sniffing as I go. This is to much for me, I turn back quickly and make for my comfortable place. I give a few barks and she leaves. My barks were only because I was unsure.
The woman who comes to take me out side, comes into my kennel, she has a lead in her hand this makes me excited so I start to wag my tail slow at first then It picks up speed. I know I am going out. I start to bark to let her know I want to go. She clips the lead on as I try to jump and lick her face. It’s the way I say hello, I want to say welcome by greeting her by licking her mouth, but can’t get to her mouth so the face is the next best thing. This comes from my ancestors when their mothers use to come back from hunting, the pups would nuzzle the mothers noses and around the mouth to welcome them back, and to see if there was a sent of food.

The woman takes me to the big field with a fence all the way round I like it here, I get to run around. The woman that came to see me is there, but I want to sniff around lots of dogs come here so I must tell them I been here to by leaving them sent messages, she is just standing with the woman that takes me out. I want to know what they doing, so I go and sniff around them They are ignoring me. The woman that came to see me looks at me and gets down to my level, she dose not reach for me, I want to smell her. She smells good, I lick her hand. She lets me. I look to the other woman for reassurance, and I know this woman is not going to hurt me, I sit down and let her pet me, I like this. I want a tummy rub, so I lie down and lift my leg exposing my belly. I do this to let her know I have excepted her, I am being submissive. I wonder if I will see her again?

I took this article from following website. I like this article and wanted to share to my viewer. :

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